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PropFuel associations are experiencing deeper engagement, increased membership and revenue by starting conversations with members, at scale.

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The Case Against Segments 

Everyone says, “We need to segment our audience,” as if that’s the solution. It’s not. All that does is puts people in buckets. Nobody puts Baby in a bucket #PatrickSwayzeRules I’m not bashing segments completely. Naturally, segmentation is way better than mass emailing everything to everyone, but it’s far from the end-all. Segmentation is a good start, and it does get us closer to the goal, but experts in our space need to do better in terms of thought leadership on this topic.

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How to Free Up Time for You and Your Team (and do things better)

Unlock time-saving possibilities with Blueprints for campaigns in PropFuel. Easily transition from creator to editor, leveraging automation and AI to craft personalized onboarding campaigns that enhance member retention. In the midst of daily chaos, taking a moment to pause is essential. Follow a six-step efficiency plan: review goals, identify and prioritize issues, map processes, self-educate, and optimize through automation and outsourcing. Regardless of your role, you can implement these strategies to improve membership engagement and retention, even with limited resources.

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The Single Key to Better Engagement

The key to better engagement is unveiled: treating association members as individuals with unique needs and emotions, just as you would in a face-to-face interaction. If you'd engage with a new member in person, why not carry that approach into your digital interactions? Explore how this "human" approach can work wonders across various engagement scenarios.

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The 4 Reasons Members Pay Attention

We all get dozens of emails daily, so how can you stand apart from them and send what truly draws members in? The 4 reasons members pay attention; wants, easy, fear, and trust. It's important to understand the people you're trying to engage and give them something they want, make it easy, give them a fearless choice, and be a reliable source. By asking questions at the individual level about these 4 things, you can treat exchanges to maximize engagement.

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What Questions Should You Ask Your Members?

The next time you go to build a communication for members, whether it’s general engagement, for an event or some other purpose, try this approach and see what happens. Ask yourself, “What would be nice to know from members that they care about, and will help us understand them better?”

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No Need to Fear the Software Scaries

Have you heard of the Sunday Scaries? I’ve suffered from this phenomenon myself. If you’re not familiar with the term, it refers to the anxiety - perhaps, dread - that many people feel on Sunday, in anticipation of the work week ahead. Ironically, in the process of anticipating Monday, having the Sunday Scaries actually robs one of the enjoyment of half of their weekend.

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