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Dandapani Taught Me This Jedi Mind Trick

May 3, 2024

A few weeks ago I posted a blog related to something I learned from my friend, Dandapani. it was all about how to manage your limited resource, energy.This week I want to continue with something else I learned from him.Do you know what "awareness" is? It’s basically what your thinking about at any given time. That’s your awareness.We have incredible power over people when we tell a story because a good story teller can draw people’s awareness to and through different emotions and mental states.Here’s an example:Read this and then play it out. Pause after each question and actually try to answer it in your head. Read it. Picture it.Do you remember the last wedding you went to? Really... think about that wedding. I'll wait...Ok, got it? Go to that wedding in your mind. We’re there a lot of people there? Did the bride look good? Did you like her dress? Did you drink at all? A lot? Did you dance?Ok so that took you to a place in your head. You probably felt something. Some humor? You might have even smiled.Let’s do it again: Think back to the first person you were really close to that died. Got that person in your head? Was it someone you loved? Picture them. Do you remember finding out that they were going to die? Do you remember the last time you saw them and what you talked about or what they looked like?Ok, that’s enough of that one, but you can see that even in this blog post I got you feeling something totally different.That’s the power of awareness.An individual can control their awareness but you can also guide people’s awareness as well.In a huge way, that’s what we’re doing with PropFuel. You’re asking your team questions and you’re asking your customers questions that change their awareness.Can we get your team thinking more strategically? Maybe about how to help grow the business?Can we get your customers thinking about you as a partner instead of a vendor?Let PropFuel help you grow your business. Targeted questions on a weekly cadence. Set up a time to meet with me or simply learn more about how we can help:

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