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The Perfect Place to Land

May 3, 2024

While going through the interview process, I could tell PropFuel wasn’t going to be like most other interviews I’ve done. I knew from the first interview, when I spoke with Ryan, the VP of Sales, that this was the team for me.

PropFuel takes pride in connecting associations with their members. I wanted to work somewhere I was proud to call home, and customer service is extremely important to me - as a consumer and as an employee. PropFuel understands customer service is crucial, and that everyone benefits from quality interactions.

The energy and excitement I felt from Ryan, Dave, Cameron and Bri while navigating the interview process didn’t fade away once Day 1 came around. The team genuinely cares about each other and our clients, and that’s not something you find at many employers or companies in general. Even now, although only three weeks into the job, there’s a genuine sense of camaraderie and teamwork I haven’t experienced at any other position I’ve held. We’re all working toward the same goal of making the connections between associations and their members easier than ever.

I’ve never sold SaaS (Software as a Service) before, but I’m glad PropFuel is the first. Helping associations better understand and assist their members has been a blast so far. Being new to the association industry is exciting in many ways, and I’m thrilled to take on this new challenge!

Finally, PropFuel already has a lot of positive momentum, but I’m ready to help PropFuel grow even more. I’m happy to have the opportunity to grow right along with the team!

Feel free to reach out anytime at; or, say hello below and I'll reply to you directly. -Jordan

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